Wednesday, July 13, 2016

weight loss and cruising

OK, so here's the thing.

When we sailed on the Valor six years ago, and when we sailed on the Breeze three years ago, I was very, very overweight.  Morbidly obese.  And yes, it negatively affected my enjoyment of the cruise. 

I mean, I had a lot of fun, ate a lot of good food, enjoyed shore excursions and shipboard activities.  But...well, being that heavy definitely wasn't a good thing.  And not just on the cruise.

After a health scare last year -- turned out to be nothing -- I make the decision to finally start eating healthy and exercising. I bought a Fitbit and joined Weight Watchers in March 2015.  So far I've lost 65 pounds.  I have a mini goal of losing another 8 pounds before the cruise in October.  I have a lot more to lose after I meet the mini goal, but I'll worry about that after the cruise.

I feel a lot better since I lost the weight, I have more stamina, more endurance, I'm not sluggish or tired.

So, how has this affected my cruise planning?

Well, I'm actually looking forward to checking out the fitness center on Freedom of the Seas.  It sounds like they have state of the art equipment.  I've been a regular at Planet Fitness for five months now, I'd like to see how their equipment compares to the machines I'm used to.   I'm also planning to look into whether they offer any classes, like yoga or Zumba,  to try something new on board, and maybe add it to my routine at home if I like it.

And then there's the issue of food.  As in, you can easily gain five - ten pounds during a cruise.  How do I enjoy the food without overdoing it, but without feeling deprived?  I'll have to come up with a plan before we sail. 

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